Posted by: fabriziofelletti | March 10, 2011

My interests run from the clastic sedimentology  to the geoostatistical data analysis, and include the stratigraphic architecture of deep marine clastic systems, the gravity current processes (especially turbidity currents), the geology of alluvial clastic systems. Much of my research involves studies of outcropping deep-water systems both to develop a better unde


rstanding of the processes of sedimentation, architecture of the resulting deposits, and evolution of the depositional basins and to better model and interpret the properties of deeply buried subsurface deep-water systems. I us

e a combination of detailed outcrop data and geostatistical modeling.

I am currently involved in three main projects: i) multi-disciplinary approach to understanding deep marine clastic systems, ii) characterisation and modelling of aquifers and aquitards, iii) facies characterization in extensional continental basins.


CURRICULUM VITAE – Fabrizio Felletti



CONGRESS PRESENTATIONS (abstracts and extended abstracts)
